December 26, 2024 marked the long awaited release of Squid Game season 2 on Netflix. First released during late 2021, the tense Korean drama series drew a large audience with its interesting concept and easy recreation of games. Social media largely aided in boosting the show’s popularity.
“I got into Squid Game right when it came out in 2021. All my friends were watching it and it was all over TikTok, and it was actually really good,” stated junior Jacob Brabant.
The first season’s popularity—likely due to the dalgona candy challenge and red light, green light challenge—contributed to an eager audience for the upcoming season.
“When the second season was announced, I was really excited because the first season was great and left off on a little bit of a cliffhanger,” Brabant added.
When the second season debuted at the end of December, it broke Netflix’s viewing record in 4 days and was the most watched TV series.
“The second season was so good that I watched it on the projector with my family, and we finished all seven episodes in just 2 days during winter break,” expressed Junior Caroline Quan.
Brabant shared a similar experience with the new season—stating, “I thought the second season was really good because the characters are really entertaining [and] there are a lot of more interesting games to watch.”
Even though the second season amassed a record-breaking number of views, viewers still debate whether the first or second season is better.
“I personally liked the first season more, because there were more unexpected events. The second season was good, but they only showed 3 games out of 6,” Quan said.