Here at Braintree High, many students like to bring drinks to school. Whether Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, or Marylou’s, numerous students walk around the school with a drink in their hand. Recently, a Dunkin refresher has been brought back from last summer and many students have been enjoying it.
“Normally, I don’t like Dunkin drinks, especially the refreshers, but I would get it,” says BHS student Kattie Chiu.
But, it is not only Kattie that has been enjoying this new Dunkin drink. Other students have purchased it in the mornings and brought it to school.
“It tastes very sweet, refreshing, and tropical,” says sophomore Kylie Zhou. “It’s not as sweet as the other refreshers”.
This Dunkin drink came back from last summer for a reason. It has caught many students’ eyes and has earned a spot at number one for Dunkin Donuts refreshers. It may be time to give it a try.
“Recommended 200/10,” says Kattie.