While Braintree High keeps tight security, protecting the building from outsiders, a different kind of intruder found itself in the school. On Tuesday morning, October 1st, a bird flew into the building and was seen flying around the second floor. This provided a distraction to both students and faculty.
“The bird eventually started flying around and started hitting itself into the window. We thought we gotta get this bird out of here so we called for the custodians” Says student, Jaya Arsenault.
After hearing the news, Braintree High’s janitors got straight to work to set the bird free. Walking through the halls, carrying a large net, Braintree High custodians searched for the bird all around the building, through the art wing and the second floor. Janitors were prepared, as they have dealt with this before.
According to one of BHS’s custodians, who has worked at the high school for many years, “It’s not unusual, it happens from time to time”
Unfortunately, the janitors were not able to catch the restless bird, which instead flew through the halls and into room 227: Mr. Pelletier’s room. Utilizing a student’s nearby badminton racket, Mr. Pelletier guided the bird out and away from the Braintree High building.
“I was gonna try to coax the bird out the window and I think the bird was only in my classroom for about three minutes when I led him to this window, he was trying to fly up and eventually he flew down and out the window”