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The class of 2024 at Braintree High graduation on June 1st, 2024
The class of 2024 at Braintree High graduation on June 1st, 2024
Fred Hall

A Farewell to the Class of ‘24

On June 1st, Braintree High School celebrated its 166th commencement ceremony in honor of the class of 2024. Thankfully, this time around, graduates were welcomed with skies of blue and great weather to acknowledge their achievements and move on to a new chapter in their lives.

“Today is the day that we gather to celebrate not only our achievements, but the dedication, the resilience, and the dreams that have brought us to this remarkable milestone” said student body president Manoach Bonhomme. 

Over their four years spent at the high school, the seniors have grown into strong and independent individuals, found new hobbies, made new friends, and plan for their future. With many students off to college, others took a different route and opted to join the military. 

Salutatorian, Jolin Yang stated, “While you might be starting college in a different state in just a few months, the person sitting next to you might be headed off to trade school or joining the military. You might not have the same path as the person sitting next to or in front of you, and that’s perfectly fine. As we take this time to recognize how truly different we are from each other, I hope you can see there’s no correct path you need to follow in life”  

Oftentimes, students find themselves comparing their own achievements and lives to those around them, and not giving themselves enough credit for all that they have done and gained.  Jolin Yang makes a good point by saying how each person is “truly different” and there is no right way that each person has to follow.  

The senior concert choir performed “I’ll always remember you” by Hannah Montana, a song that signifies growing up and moving on to bigger and better things. This song helps to bring to light the people who helped along the way on endeavors in life, which resonates with our seniors as they have all grown up together, and are now forced to say goodbye and leave their past behind. 

“We gotta keep moving on I’m so thankful for the moments So glad I got to know you” Hannah Montana

High school is a big milestone, and students spend their entire lives working towards good grades, test scores, and athletic performances, but in the end it is a small piece of what makes them who they are, and it is good to let go and grow from the past, but also move on. 

Yang highlighted, “In one year, five years, or even ten years from now, we will forget about all these numbers and statistics, and these will merely just be a faded memory of our youth” 

Although we owe it to the graduates for all that they have accomplished, they would not be standing where they were on June 1st without the help and planning of some key individuals. 

Dr.Scully shared, “A special thank you to administrative assistant Jillian Cooney and assistant principal Nancy Moynihan, who every year spend months planning and coordinating all aspects of this ceremony, this event simply would not be possible without their efforts”

From the start of their high school journey as freshmen, they have found joy in many ways, shapes, and forms, but most importantly in what goals they had for their futures. By trying new clubs and sports, these students were able to blossom into unique individuals, while also doing good for their community.

“Through our time here we have found happiness in the pursuit of our passions while trying to make a positive impact on the world around us” mentioned class president Mona Ammar.

Valedictorian Thomas Boussaleh made a great point on how time is a fascinating tool. It contributes to one’s personal growth and “allows for self-reflection, even forcing it at times”

He mentions how time is an investment and we are not granted an infinite amount of it. However, it is an incredibly valuable resource, and people should try to use it for good, because time is not a secure thing, and no one knows how much they have left of it.

Thomas wished, “I hope that, with this speech, you can recognize this fact, and move to implement this timeless advice into your own lives”

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