On Monday, November 13th, Braintree High celebrated National Kindness Day. Students Against Destructive Decisions, SADD, put in their own effort to make the day special. Before school started that day, the SADD officers stuck sticky notes with affirmative messages on the girls’ bathroom mirrors. The messages vary from physical compliments like, “You are beautiful” and “I love your outfit!”, to deeper praises like “Keep your head up” and “You matter”.

“The importance is giving people a boost of confidence in a small reminder.” Maggie Carey, VP of SADD, says, “It was really nice to see everyone thinking of notes to put on the mirrors, and even better to see people admiring the mirrors and the notes”
The boost in self esteem the messages shared were not only admired by the SADD officers, but girls all over the school.
“I love the sticky notes.” Senior, Annie Kelly says. “They can actually make such an impact on someone’s day and I hope the notes made someone else’s day better as much as it did mine”.