Braintree High Girls Basketball VS Crosstown Rivals Archbishop Williams
February 1, 2023

On January 19 Braintree High’s gym was buzzing with noise as our Wamps were on a mission to take down their rivals, the Bishops. As the night went on, the energy intensity rose as the spirit was right there all night long. It started with the Freshmen team where they beat the opponent 23-16. It was a great competitive match between the teams. Even though the game stayed close it was always clear the Wamps were dominant in the play. When it was Junior Varsity’s turn to play, the competitiveness was right there as it was for the Freshmen. In addition, such as the first game, the wamps appeared to be having the upper hand throughout the match. Braintree’s JV team outscored opponent Archbishop 43-34 which gave the program their second win of the night. So, there it is, two games played, two games won. Braintree has done a great job defeating Archbishop while opening up the night. Before coming into this match the Lady Bishops held a record of 5-1. This was a very impressive start to the season which showed that our Lady Wamps would have a challenge at hand. Braintree Wamps also came into this came with an impressive record to start early on in the season of 4-2. Therefore due to both records having a good start to this season everyone knew this matchup would not be a simple match nor a blowout. Because of this the stands were filled with students, families, friends, the already competed Freshmen and JV basketball team athletes, and of course the Archbishop Williams supporters. From the first basket cheers were heard from across the gym. The game started even, but once Archies had got momentum they took a fast and far lead. It seemed that Braintree had been playing catchup for most of this match. So yes they were playing catchup but the girls were very good at it. Their strength, stamina, perseverance, and determination to stay in this game is
what helped them survive in the match. In the 4th quarter, Braintree High had finally evened the score. With one minute and thirty one seconds left on the clock the score was, wamps 39 and guest 39. The cheering and intimidation from both sides of fans had already picked up as the game grew later and later, especially when entering the fourth quarter. But once the score was tied and there was only minutes left it was like nothing heard before. There was the stomping of the feet on the metal ground of the bleachers. There was the chants of “Let’s Go Braintree!”. As well as their were people trying to act as a distraction in hopes of making the visitors miss their free throws. Back and fourth the ball went as both teams had great defense in trying to protect themself from going down as well as great offense trying to be a game changer for their respective side. Archbishop Williams got themselves a basket with just under a minute to go. Braintree was fighting hard for a three pointer, but the Bishops were on the attack. Sounds of encouragement from the bench could be heard in hopes of helping Braintree to rise. The phrase “foul” could be
heard. This was in hopes of stopping the clock so Braintree could try and get the points they needed. Unfortunately for Braintree, Archies would make their set of free throws and that would be it for them. Even with how deep they were digging, they were no longer able to dig deep enough to get the amount of points they needed to win. Archbishop Williams had beaten Braintree High 44-39 in a highly competitive match. Even though our school had fallen short, it was a great night for all. Overall, what a successful night it was for the Braintree High Girls Basketball program as they had won two out of three games during the night that was against their rivals. Good Luck to Archbishop Williams Girls Basketball on the rest of their season. Now for our own Braintree High Girls Basketball program, we wish you the
best of the luck on the rest of your journey this season and we are behind you every step of the way cheering you on and being your biggest fans. Lets go Wamps!